Sunday, March 25, 2012

Fare Tree Well

T______T GOOD BYE is the word that i dont wanna say to anyone..
However Party also have to finished ..

Lukmai become my friend since 2 years ago when im at grade.10 she the one who help me to have a really good time with korean singer that i liked them .. Her family own Nut Factory "Kokonut" the most delicious nuts i ever taste >\\\\\<

So when i want to send my fav.singer gift or my oversea friends gift i always add this kokonut into the box ^___^ all of them says that its sooo delicious especially 주영오빠 my favourite singer ever ㅠㅠ

But now she have to go to Newzealand ,where she come from to stydy high school and university .. TT
I dont know when we will meet again but i hope that day will come ASAP !
She's one of my good friend ever :)

This afternoon i went to the mall to gave her my last gift .. Give her a hug and i cant stop my tear to run out .. U.U ...

Good Luck ! My Friend :)
Love you always , u know it eh !

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Realize :)

After Prom Party ..
I have realize a lot of things that make me feel upset Hate myself .. ;(

If I still be in this situation its not what i suppose to be.. Somehow its still be me who

Happy with the single life
Try hard to Diet
Study till 8PM everyday
Back home and lay down on the same bed

Nothing will change .. If we not make it change :)

So, from now i just make decision to CHANGE everything that make me stuck in this boring Life ^ ^ ㅋㅋ

Bless Me !

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

1st Time of TOEIC test !

lOl after long long long time i have update this blog -____-;;

I'M back (again)! Yahoo~ >0<
This year 2012 have many things to do to finished

I GOT 735/990 in my 1st time to take TOEIC TEST !!
=[]= << i just like this when i knew thae score and i got 1st place @english park TOEIC test this week!!

Anyway i wont use TOEIC to attend in colledge i wanna know what level i belong to in IELTS if i got this kind of score =____=||

***Anyway im back to fitness first again >___<~ cuz i have time to go everyday haha ! Thank GOD ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Happy Decenber !

LAST month of 2011
for the one who didnt do thing that you wanna do.. just do it !

for me ... this year is the GREAT year ever in my life 
at the beginning of the year i have drop my bad? life 
and changed to be the one i am now


Jooyeong Oppa , 
Brothersu Oppa, 
Lovey Onny , 
Ra.D nim , 
and Realcollbo staff

they all such as a BIGGEST GIFT in my life
I have noidea how ordinary girl like me is so lucky like this...

More than that I have know lot of sister & brother because of them
Hyoju onny, Jihee onny , Reina nejung , Sungbo Oppa , Byungju , Brandon , 
Marz Onny and they family


They are 1st Indy Band that i have know ...
and make me change my mind to like INDY not IDOL
Thank you P'nan P'Pik :)


My 1st Online shop 
I gain LOT of experience from it..Happy Richy [haha] Awful Unacceptable
It can make me proove to my parents that i can buy and manage everything by myself
not just waste their money
I growth up a lot... have more responsible
" Thank You "

I have change to be the one who love to go to temple
take a Chant every night 
Don't kill animal even ant or mosquitoe 
haha kinda joke but it's true ..


Finally , by my own money that i worked hard for it 
I get to Fitness 
For 5-6 months that i have spend time there with Mr.Muscle and every funny trainer
I think i didnt loose weight up to my point but it make me so healthy
They all push me on diet haha make ma laught a LOT
Inspire me ? sometimes haha 
I confessed that i loose lot of money to be close to my trainer
cuz he handsome ... just this -.- 

P'Touy , P'Bo , P'Game , P'Bank , P'Nap 
Thank You ;)


someone dont know what is bot ? who is bot ? blah blah
at first i didnt like bot atall i feel like just nonsense thing 
but when i talked to Jaehyo Both he's definitely change all my thought about both
thats amazing right ? 

i've found that in that imagine world
we can know and met someone that sincere to you and turn it into your real life
to be that one that you can talk in everything eventhough you cant in real life
now...i can say that 
I'm Happy , So Happy With That Imagine World ..


i can feel that about 16 and 17 is a lot diffents.
in 16 i felt i'm just a girl little girl that have no responsible have no life goal
just play and play don't be serious have no target cuz i just a girl. i'm 17 
next years is 18 have to get into university if i cant i am nothing..
this is first year and first time in my life that i go to gunwale (กราบ) my parents
i dnt know why..but i have to do something that have matter with them
i've been so...terrible to them last year 
just wanna said that i wont never let them down anymore :) 

Love you Mum, Dad..

Do you feel that this year is pass so fast ?? 
Time the only thing that we cant buy 
So make every minute every second like a treasure 
Cuz we cant get it back...

Hope You All Be Happy In The End Of ThisYear :) 

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sweetie Day ~!!

hi~ ^^~ ~ 
today such as a sweetie day hhhhhh! 555.
because i ate a lot of sweets -3- {that's why i can't get out of the overweight TT^TT}

last month my mom went to aus. and buy me some chocolate mint & tamtam 
ofcourse she  bought from the facetory the price get lower than duty free ...

and this is my koala march >///<~ ~ caramel ole'
if you haven't taste this flavor yet
find it !!!!!!!!!!!

cuz it really delicious 555 ^O^ i like it much !


the last one is my best favourite brand of wafers
"Redondo" from indo. 
i like vanilla more than capucino 555

but it's gain 148kcal/4 pcs OMG!!!!!!! =[]= !!
so i have to eat just 4 pcs of it per day right ? 
otherwise i begin to be a fatty  fatty fatty girl HOAKK !!!

and i have change my hair color & hair style 55555
it quite good with my face -3- i guess
bye bye everyone have a good dream & great day *muah*

Sunday, May 15, 2011

bad time TT^TT~ ~

Long time no seeeeeeee~ ~ ~
5555 among the time that I dissappear from this blog

Have a lot of thing happen with  me
Of course the main reason that make me have a lot of emotional is “him” 
wonder who is him ?? kiki

I cant tell  you =,.=~ the mystery guy kuku
He’s my world ^^
Without him I cant wonder my life would be


First he is back to talk with me again after
3 week have gone
3 week that I just have a really bad mood and no mood to do anything anymore
It’s so terrible time of me

And one day I just look to his cyworld
Stlart to blame my elf
 “unnie during the time that he sad what have you do huh ?”

He also have a terrible time like me or more than
He cried…
And also I cried for him
Just not many word that he type on his cyworld can make me cry
I don’t know why but it’s make me hurt a lot
He’s the man I love thing for him to make he felt better

I have said to him that ”oppa you are not alone anymore”
It’s have someone that lookafter you that care you a lot here…
It’s gonna be alright ^^
When you happy the world will be beautiful than you sad
Please smile TT^TT…..


However that terrible time have gone
Now “happy” time have come
Like the rainbow after the rain come :D

Last week I had know korean girl
Her name is hyoju she’s my onny kiki we both be fc of him
She’s really cute , talkative & kind I’m absolutely like her 555
And the reason that make me found her that
she’s have the live of I’m in love of oppa and send it to me cuz I ask her to send it
she’ also learn in the high school that he graduate from
so we have a lot of thing to talk about him 5555555 !!!

and the really relly good news
“I have an accomdation when I’m go to korea” 55555
she’s let me stay atr house and also take me a trip yeah yeah~ ><

Love you onny =3=~ wanna see her as soon as possible
So I have to work hard to keep my money,,,

Huhu ~ ~

And this is because of him
his fc become a great great friend :D

Pround to love him eiei

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

long time no see ....

ahhh~ long time that i didn;t up my blog :D miss me ?? ㅋㅋ
have a lot of thing that happened with me in last week 
so make me hard to do  anything...

unacceptable ... 5555 {laught to my foolish}
won't get all da thing anymore ...
but right now i can't say that i can smile i can happy 
cuz they hurt me a lot ! 

so when i turn back to look at everything around me 
i just saw nothing...

try to be a happy girl now :D 
hangout sometimes buy what i want 555 !!

bless me everyone 
i'm gonna change to be more valuable girl !!
let's see ~ ~

thank you them to make me high & hurt :) 


really wanna go to see their live ><' {standing egg }