Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sweetie Day ~!!

hi~ ^^~ ~ 
today such as a sweetie day hhhhhh! 555.
because i ate a lot of sweets -3- {that's why i can't get out of the overweight TT^TT}

last month my mom went to aus. and buy me some chocolate mint & tamtam 
ofcourse she  bought from the facetory the price get lower than duty free ...

and this is my koala march >///<~ ~ caramel ole'
if you haven't taste this flavor yet
find it !!!!!!!!!!!

cuz it really delicious 555 ^O^ i like it much !


the last one is my best favourite brand of wafers
"Redondo" from indo. 
i like vanilla more than capucino 555

but it's gain 148kcal/4 pcs OMG!!!!!!! =[]= !!
so i have to eat just 4 pcs of it per day right ? 
otherwise i begin to be a fatty  fatty fatty girl HOAKK !!!

and i have change my hair color & hair style 55555
it quite good with my face -3- i guess
bye bye everyone have a good dream & great day *muah*


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