Wednesday, April 27, 2011

long time no see ....

ahhh~ long time that i didn;t up my blog :D miss me ?? ㅋㅋ
have a lot of thing that happened with me in last week 
so make me hard to do  anything...

unacceptable ... 5555 {laught to my foolish}
won't get all da thing anymore ...
but right now i can't say that i can smile i can happy 
cuz they hurt me a lot ! 

so when i turn back to look at everything around me 
i just saw nothing...

try to be a happy girl now :D 
hangout sometimes buy what i want 555 !!

bless me everyone 
i'm gonna change to be more valuable girl !!
let's see ~ ~

thank you them to make me high & hurt :) 


really wanna go to see their live ><' {standing egg }


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