Wednesday, March 21, 2012

1st Time of TOEIC test !

lOl after long long long time i have update this blog -____-;;

I'M back (again)! Yahoo~ >0<
This year 2012 have many things to do to finished

I GOT 735/990 in my 1st time to take TOEIC TEST !!
=[]= << i just like this when i knew thae score and i got 1st place @english park TOEIC test this week!!

Anyway i wont use TOEIC to attend in colledge i wanna know what level i belong to in IELTS if i got this kind of score =____=||

***Anyway im back to fitness first again >___<~ cuz i have time to go everyday haha ! Thank GOD ㅠㅠㅠㅠ


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