Sunday, March 25, 2012

Fare Tree Well

T______T GOOD BYE is the word that i dont wanna say to anyone..
However Party also have to finished ..

Lukmai become my friend since 2 years ago when im at grade.10 she the one who help me to have a really good time with korean singer that i liked them .. Her family own Nut Factory "Kokonut" the most delicious nuts i ever taste >\\\\\<

So when i want to send my fav.singer gift or my oversea friends gift i always add this kokonut into the box ^___^ all of them says that its sooo delicious especially 주영오빠 my favourite singer ever ㅠㅠ

But now she have to go to Newzealand ,where she come from to stydy high school and university .. TT
I dont know when we will meet again but i hope that day will come ASAP !
She's one of my good friend ever :)

This afternoon i went to the mall to gave her my last gift .. Give her a hug and i cant stop my tear to run out .. U.U ...

Good Luck ! My Friend :)
Love you always , u know it eh !

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Realize :)

After Prom Party ..
I have realize a lot of things that make me feel upset Hate myself .. ;(

If I still be in this situation its not what i suppose to be.. Somehow its still be me who

Happy with the single life
Try hard to Diet
Study till 8PM everyday
Back home and lay down on the same bed

Nothing will change .. If we not make it change :)

So, from now i just make decision to CHANGE everything that make me stuck in this boring Life ^ ^ ㅋㅋ

Bless Me !

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

1st Time of TOEIC test !

lOl after long long long time i have update this blog -____-;;

I'M back (again)! Yahoo~ >0<
This year 2012 have many things to do to finished

I GOT 735/990 in my 1st time to take TOEIC TEST !!
=[]= << i just like this when i knew thae score and i got 1st place @english park TOEIC test this week!!

Anyway i wont use TOEIC to attend in colledge i wanna know what level i belong to in IELTS if i got this kind of score =____=||

***Anyway im back to fitness first again >___<~ cuz i have time to go everyday haha ! Thank GOD ㅠㅠㅠㅠ